Dr Peter Beter: The Robotoid of The Shah of Iran / David Frost Interview

Peter Beter: Excerpt About Robotoids From Letter 53:
Text: http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal53.html
Audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy3FcLv149A

"Four nights ago on Thursday, January 17, millions of
Americans tuned in the ABC television program "20/20." The
program that night presented a heavily-edited interview by the
British television personality David Frost. The person
interviewed was said to be the former Shah of Iran
[ View the interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kerIO4YXZyM ]. The
individual we saw on the David Frost interview looked, sounded,
and acted very much like the Shah, but he looked much healthier
than the sickly-looking Shah in New York two months ago. This
was true even though news reports had been saying the Shah's
condition was deteriorating. Almost every time he answered a
question the face became expressionless, and the eyes froze into
a glassy stare. He spoke slowly, haltingly, as if groping around
in a fuzzy memory to find the answers. And time after time he
just gave up and said simply, "I don't remember that."

Later that same evening ABC presented its nightly special on
the Iran crisis. The program began with some follow-up
discussion of the David Frost interview program. Dr. Joseph
Sisco, former Under-Secretary of State, was among those asked for
his reactions to the interview. Sisco appeared to be shaken by
what he had seen. He said the Shah he knew had always been able
to discuss the intricacies of geopolitics, not only as they
affect the Persian Gulf but world-wide. By contrast, the man he
saw on the David Frost interview was, quote: "Uncertain in his
speech; a completely different man from the one I knew."

My friends, Dr. Sisco could not have been more right. The
individual interviewed by David Frost in Panama was not the Shah
at all. In fact, he was not even a human being. It was a kind
of living robot, known as a "synthetic automaton", or more
briefly, a "Synthetic." I first revealed last October 1979 in
AUDIO LETTER No. 51 that Synthetics were beginning to appear on
the scene. They are being deployed as a tool of intrigue by the
warlike Bolsheviks here in the United States. They are the
Bolshevik answer to another type of biological robot which the
Russians began deploying earlier in 1979. The Russian type is
known as an "Organic Robotoid", and I first made them public in
AUDIO LETTER No. 46 last May. Both the Russian "Robotoids" and
the Bolshevik "Synthetics" are remarkable creatures. They are
manufactured by radically different technologies; but they have
one thing in common--they are both artificial life-forms which
live and breathe but have to be programmed like computers, and
they are the products of three decades of spectacular scientific
discoveries out of public view. I have given a little of the
scientific background in AUDIO LETTERS Nos. 47 and 51, but
Robotoids and Synthetics remain perhaps the most secret of all
Intelligence weapons.

In my previous tapes about these biological robots, I have
mentioned that their most critical feature is their biological
computer brain. In that regard, the Russian Robotoids are far
superior to the Bolshevik Synthetics. That's because of their
holographic brain, which I described in detail in AUDIO LETTER
No. 47. In AUDIO LETTER No. 51 I mentioned the low brain quality
of the Synthetics; and if you were watching the alleged Shah of
Iran in the David Frost interview the other night, you saw a
perfect example with your own eyes. Synthetics easily pass for
human beings, but they act dull-witted compared to the humans
which they simulate. When David Frost interviewed the Synthetic
"double" for the former Shah, he no doubt thought he was talking
with the real thing; but by that time the real Shah had been dead
for well over a month. He died in the early morning hours of
Sunday, December 2, 1979.""


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